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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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MAP Testing

The MAP tests given in Fayette County schools measure what students know and informs what they’re ready to learn next. By dynamically adjusting to each student’s responses, MAP Growth creates a personalized assessment experience that accurately measures performance. Timely, easy-to-use reports help teachers teach, students learn, and administrators lead.

At Sandersville, students take the Reading and Math versions of the MAP test three times during the year: in the 'Fall' which is usually around the first of September, in the winter before the holiday break, and once in the spring toward the end of April. This schedule can vary because of weather and state testing schedules.

Listed below are some charts that show approximatelyat which percentage each score falls based on grade level and time of year.  This also varies a bit from year-to-year due to the norms changing as the tests are given nationwide. These are the latest releases from the home company of MAP, NWEA.

Mathematics - Fall

Mathematics - Winter

Mathematics - Spring

Reading - Fall

Reading - Winter

Reading - Spring